
We will create simple function, which will be called over APIGateway > AWSLambda Initially, in AWS you need create your AWS Lambda function and setup API Gateway to pass proxy request to it.

Scala code

libraryDependencies += "com.github.mercurievv" %% "bulyon-lambda-http4s-fs2zio" % "1.0.12+2-3bc21411+20200403-0505-SNAPSHOT"

Create http4s route function

import com.github.mercurievv.bulyon.lambdahttp4s.fs2zio.ZIOHttp4sFunctionProcessor
import zio.ZIO

type APPIO[T] = ZIO[Unit, Throwable, T]
val proc = new ZIOHttp4sFunctionProcessor[Unit]
val coolFunction: String => APPIO[String] = (i: String) => ZIO
  .succeed(i.toInt + 1)
  .map(r => s"Here is result: $r")

Create handler instance, which will be called by AWS Lambda:

import com.github.mercurievv.bulyon.lambdahttp4s.fs2zio.SimpleZioHandler
import zio.ZIO
import fs2._
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.dsl.impl.Root
import org.http4s.dsl.io.{->, /, POST}
import zio.interop.catz._

object AwsLambdaZioRuntime extends SimpleZioHandler {

  type APPIO[T] = ZIO[Unit, Throwable, T]
  override val routes: fs2.Stream[Pure, HttpRoutes[APPIO]] = Stream(
    HttpRoutes.of[APPIO] {
      case rq@POST -> Root / "test" =>
        proc.process[String, String](coolFunction, rq.as[String], rq)

Then, you need upload/deploy your function to AWS Lambda

And its ready for launch.

curl --location --request POST 'https://your.apigateway.domain.com/test' \
   --header 'Content-type: application/json' \
   --header 'Accept: application/json' \
   --data-raw '"5"'

Should return: Here is result: 6